St Gregory & St Patrick's

Autumn 2 Week 1 

 This week, we have been sharing our half term news and talking lots about Halloween as well as doing some Halloween crafts in class. 

We have started our new PE topic throwing and catching and in number time we have been learning all about number 4.

 We also went on a visit to our local supermarket Nisa. We talked lots about what was a healthy snack and what was unhealthy. We bought a healthy snack with our money and gave it to the shopkeeper. We then had a healthy feast back at school, sharing the food we bought. 

Autumn 2 Week 2

This week we have been learning about India and the festival Diwali. We had a parent come in to school to tell us all about festival and how they will celebrate it at home. We tried some Indian food, had a go at Henna patterns and learned the story of Rama and Sita.

We also celebrated bonfire night by having a bonfire on the big yard, melting some marshmallows followed by a hot chocolate and a biscuit! 

As part of History we spoke about remembrance day and made poppies to help us remember the soldiers that fought in the war. 

We also began our learning about the Christmas story in RE, we made a manager with baby Jesus inside and went on a walk to be like Mary and Joseph on their journey to Bethlehem. 

Week 1

We have enjoyed getting to know all of the children this week. we have been sharing our "All About Me" packs with the class, telling everyone about our family, pets, favourite toys etc.  our book this week has been Elmer, focusing on everyone being different! 

Week 2

We have been focusing this week all about Me and My Family. we have been trying hard to draw pictures of people using  head, body, arms, legs and facial features. We have also been talking about sizes in Mathematic, thinking about Big,, small, tall, little and medium. we have also been using the Ipads, to draw self portraits and to take a selfie! Scissor skills are being practised daily too!

Week 3

This week we have been talking about our houses and reading the story of the little pigs. We have been recapping sizes and learning all about pattern's. to link with our story we created our own stick puppets to help us retell the story. We have also been working hard to recognise the initial sounds in words. 

Week 4

This week our topic was "being healthy." We read the story  Supertato and loved drawing all of the characters! 

We were trying to make patterns in Maths and made patterns using stickers and potato printing

We carried out tooth brushing in class, tasted different types of fruit and tested what happens when we wash our hands with soap to get rid of germs. 

at the end of the week to link with our RE topic of beginnings, we held a baptism at church to welcome 2 of our dolls into Gods family. 

Week 5

This week we have been learning all about Harvest and have been reading Little Red Hen.

We have enjoyed cooking this week: making bread just like the little red hen and making vegetable soup to use some of the harvest vegetables.

We have continued learning about our bodies: talking about what is inside our bodies- blood, bones, heart, brain, teeth etc. 

in maths we have been learning all about 1 2 3 .


Week 6

This week we have been exploring Autumn. We enjoyed a walk down the cycle path to look for signs of Autumn. we found some different coloured leaves, watched the leaves fall from the trees, collected acorns, pine cones and helicopters. we then used the treasures we had found to create leaf pictures, autumn crowns and autumn pictures.

We have found out all about the life cycle of an acorn and enjoyed learning all about hedgehogs, making our own hedgehog and nest for it to hibernate in. 

in Maths we have been learning all about circles and triangles

in phonics we are focusing on Fred talk and listening for initial sounds. 

Esk Avenue, Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 8AJ

01946 595010