What is HRSE?
As an Infant school in the Diocese of Lancaster Education Service, St. Gregory and St. Patrick’s uses the term Human Relationships and Sex Education (HRSE) when educating children about all aspects of creating a fulfilled and happy life.
HRSE should deepen the following areas of understanding:
- self-respect and love of self
- the development and deepening of a loving relationship with God
- the development and deepening of relationships with each other based on mutual respect and care
- that life has a purpose.
At our school, the children know it simply as Relationships Work or ‘Buddy’ Work. Buddy the dog is our Relationship Mascot. Each class has its own Buddy the Dog soft toy. When Buddy comes out, it indicates to the class that they are learning about friendships, their own well-being or that of others, and how to deal with challenging situations in their lives.
How do we teach HRSE?
Many aspects of their HRSE learning is covered during RE lessons and Kidsafe, as well as through living out the Gospel Values and British Values of the school.
Sometimes separate circle time sessions and stories are used as a way to explore ideas in more detail.
The school supports parents in their task as the first educators of their children, by assisting them as their child grows and begins to develop their own character.
Esk Avenue, Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 8AJ
01946 595010