Phunky Foods

At St Gregory & St Patrick's Catholic School we understand the importance of a healthy life style and how that helps to create a healthy mind. We have half termly assemblies all about a different aspect of Phunky Foods so all of our children are aware of good practice with regards to self care. We talk about the importance of drinking plenty of water, getting your 5 a day, how exercise keeps us healthy and how to look after our teeth. Take a look below to see some of the fun activities we enjoy taking part in in class too...


Our school is proud to be part of the Phunky Food program 

Have a look at the Phunky Food website 

username: StGregory    Password: phunky

Phunky Foods is our initiative in school to try to help children understand the importance of being healthy and keeping fit. Each half term we have a different topic that each class will focus on, below is the list of topics:



Autumn 1

Eat Well: a healthy plate

Autumn 2

Strive for Five: 5 fruit and veg

Spring 1

Bag a Breakfast

Spring 2

Drain your drinks

Summer 1

Get Active

Summer 2

A healthy lunch


If you feel you could help or support us in any way: if you are from a profession linked to health and would like to do a talk in class or if you have some cooking skills you would like to pass on then please get in touch with Mrs Gillies


How your plate should look as part of a healthy and balanced diet:


Why not try and cook some of the delicious Phunky Foods recipes found on this page, they are easy to make and your child will love an opportunity to cook with you at home

Cookery_FruitMuffins.pdf .pdf
Cookery_HomemadeHamburgers.pdf .pdf
Cookery_OrangeShortbread.pdf .pdf
Recipe_BerryBananaCheesecake.pdf .pdf
Recipe_EasyPeasyTunaFishPie.pdf .pdf
Recipe_PopeyesLovelyLasagne.pdf .pdf
Recipe_PowerPackPancakes.pdf .pdf
Recipe_ProperTastyPasta.pdf .pdf
Recipe_SneakyChocMousse.pdf .pdf
Recipe_SuperSalmonSalad.pdf .pdf