Mission Statement

'Achieving great things through the love of God'

“Where love exists, it works great things”

(St Gregory the Great)


Our mission is based on John 15:12:

‘This is my commandment: That you love one another as I have loved you’

In our school we strive to follow the example given to us by Jesus. We invite Christ to be part of every aspect of our lives: ‘Christ be within me, Christ all around me’ (St Patrick). 

We are here to assist the church in its ‘mission of making Christ known to all people’. Christ is at the centre of all that we do and our faith community is rooted in Gospel values which permeate into every aspect of learning and teaching: ‘the totality of school life’.

As a school community we constantly seek to grow in faith and love; love of God and love of one another.  We strive to nurture the spiritual and moral growth of our children within the context of the Catholic faith.  St Gregory and St Patrick’s seeks to be a place where faith can be experienced and celebrated; it is an integral part of learning and teaching.  We want our children to become reflective and experience the presence of God.

Every human being is created in God’s image and likeness.  In our school, everyone feels valued and respected as a unique, special and gifted individual.  They are treated with the dignity and respect worthy of God’s children.  We want our children to make the most of every gift they have been given and so provide outstanding Christian education which is rich in content and both challenging and individualised in order to allow each individual to fulfil their potential.   We endeavour to cultivate a climate of encouragement and support.  Our children feel confident to take chances and make mistakes safe in the knowledge that they are loved by God without condition.

We work hard using our God-given talents for the good of other people, showing love for others just as it has been revealed to us.  We teach our children to treat each other as they would like others to treat them. All pupils at St Gregory and St Patrick’s are helped and prepared for the roles they can play in the school community and the community outside the school. 

Together with our families, our parish and our local community we strive to create a school where we can ‘achieve our great things through the love of God’; whatever they may be.

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Mission Statement

'Achieving great things through the love of God'

“Where love exists, it works great things”

(St Gregory the Great)


Our mission is based on John 15:12:

‘This is my commandment: That you love one another as I have loved you’

In our school we strive to follow the example given to us by Jesus. We invite Christ to be part of every aspect of our lives: ‘Christ be within me, Christ all around me’ (St Patrick). 

We are here to assist the church in its ‘mission of making Christ known to all people’. Christ is at the centre of all that we do and our faith community is rooted in Gospel values which permeate into every aspect of learning and teaching: ‘the totality of school life’.

As a school community we constantly seek to grow in faith and love; love of God and love of one another.  We strive to nurture the spiritual and moral growth of our children within the context of the Catholic faith.  St Gregory and St Patrick’s seeks to be a place where faith can be experienced and celebrated; it is an integral part of learning and teaching.  We want our children to become reflective and experience the presence of God.

Every human being is created in God’s image and likeness.  In our school, everyone feels valued and respected as a unique, special and gifted individual.  They are treated with the dignity and respect worthy of God’s children.  We want our children to make the most of every gift they have been given and so provide outstanding Christian education which is rich in content and both challenging and individualised in order to allow each individual to fulfil their potential.   We endeavour to cultivate a climate of encouragement and support.  Our children feel confident to take chances and make mistakes safe in the knowledge that they are loved by God without condition.

We work hard using our God-given talents for the good of other people, showing love for others just as it has been revealed to us.  We teach our children to treat each other as they would like others to treat them. All pupils at St Gregory and St Patrick’s are helped and prepared for the roles they can play in the school community and the community outside the school. 

Together with our families, our parish and our local community we strive to create a school where we can ‘achieve our great things through the love of God’; whatever they may be.

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