Spring two
Week five and six
Preparing for Easter
We have had a busy last two weeks of term, we have been preparing for Easter, we have made egg collages for our windows, explored a special sensory Easter investigating scene, made chocolate Easter nests, made marks and mixed colours in shaving foam, made special "He is risen pictures" and had a visit from the Easter bunny :-)
We were also invited to design and create an egg to be entered into the "Design an egg" competition. We all got a prize for taking part.
Spring two
Week four
St Patrick's day
We celebrated St Patrick's day this week, we had a special "Wear green" day, and all week we took part in lots of related learning experiences. We made green shamrock biscuits, Leprechaun hats, explored lots of green sensory resources in our exploring tray and we used our finger muscles to pick them up with tweezers.
We also had a Science day where we explored magnets and explored our setting to see what we could find that was magnetic.
Spring two
Week three
World book day
This week we have had lots of fun celebrating world book day, we came to Pre Nursery dressed in our pyjamas and shared lots of our favourite stories. We set up a "Dear zoo" scene, explored a sensory "Room on the broom" tray, we made "Gruffalo" masks, and also collage "Elmer's" and enjoyed playing with an "Aliens love Underpants small world tray.
For snack we enjoyed Paddington bear sandwiches :-)
Our favourite part was listening to Michael Rosen tell his famous story "Were going on a bear hunt", we joined in with the actions with him.
Spring two
Week two
St David's Day and Animal changes
We celebrated St David's Day this week, we learned where he was from and made special daffodils, we also made and enjoyed Welsh rarebit for our snack.
We also looked at the life cycle of a frog, we explored 'realistic frog spawn', looked at it with our magnifying glasses, and then played with tadpoles and frogs in our exploring tray. We listened to the story "Teeny weeny tadpole" and sang "5 little speckled frogs"
We continued to look after our seeds, giving them water and light and "hoped" they would grow.
Spring Two
Week one
Getting ready for Spring
We welcomed everyone back after our break, and talked about what everyone had been doing.
We then started our busy week, we talked about how Spring will be coming, and we will start to see lots of changes around us. We set up a signs of spring exploring tray, we looked and touched soil, we watered it to see what happened and we looked at some fresh spring flowers. We had lambs and chickens in our small world farm and made spring collages in our creative area where we talked about the colours we used.
We started to plant some seeds, we are going to watch what happens, we know we have to give them water and look after them carefully.
We made delicious banana bread and enjoyed it for snack, we used words such as "soft" and "lovely"
Our Gospel value for this term is Hope, we talked about how we hoped our plants would grow.
Spring One
Week four, five and six
We have had a busy few weeks in Pre Nursery. We have explored all things space and also pirates. We have made aliens from the play dough, and spy glasses from some loose parts.
We also learned and celebrated Chinese New Year. We tried to use chop sticks, and enjoyed noodles and prawn crackers for our snack.
Spring One
Week one, two and three
We have welcomed new children into Pre Nursery, they have been busy learning our routine and making new friends.
The weather has been very cold, so we have explored the theme of Winter, we made and felt some ice and looked at the changes that happened when it melted.
We have explored wintry colours when painting, and got our finger muscles working by snipping and cutting to make snowflakes.
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01946 595010