St Gregory & St Patrick's

Spring 1 Week 1 - W/B 04.01.24

 This week we welcomed everyone back after a lovely Christmas break. We spoke about our half term holiday news.

This week we learned about Epiphany! We spoke about the 3 Wise Men following the star to meet baby Jesus. We pretended to be like the wise men and went on a journey on the cycle path, we wrapped some presents and went for a walk dropping our gifts off to Jesus.

This week as part of Phunky food we made some porridge and talked about healthy breakfasts! We put on some fruity toppings and honey.

Spring 1 Week 2 - 08.01.24

This week we learned all about birds. We learned some facts and made some bird feeders, which we left on the trees outside on the big yard. We also made some binoculars to take on our walk, we sat down on the cycle path and had a look at what birds we could see. As part of expressive art and design we drew and painted some birds. We also visited some of the elderly residents at Bethany House, we read stories and coloured in pictures of birds with them!

As part of PE we started this term by practicing our kicking skills. 

Spring 1 Week 3 - 15.01.24

This week our book focus was The Gingerbread man. We size ordered the gingerbread man from small to large. As part of Understanding the world we made predictions about what would happen to Gingerbread biscuits in different liquids.

This week we wrote a shopping list to make gingerbread men, we then visited our local Morrisons to find the ingredients and buy ourselves a healthy snack which we shared when we got back to school. We are very excited to make our Gingerbread men next week!

Spring 1 Week 4 - 22.01.24

This week is story telling week, so we continued our story of The Gingerbread man We made some changes to our story and wrote about it in our writing books. We used our ingredients to make gingerbread man, we decorated them and ate them! We created a story map using the characters from our story. We also used split pins to create our own gingerbread men and made some sock puppets so that we could role play stories. We finished the week by visiting our local library to share stories with our grown-ups.

Spring 1 Week 5 - 29.01.24

This week we learned all about the Chinese New Year. The Year of the Dragon! Our book focus was a story called Goldy Luck and the 3 Panda’s, we had a go at painting the characters from the story! We also learned all about China, we made a flag, made some crafts and tried some food and learned a dance using the dragon. This week as part of Understanding the World we focused on houses and how they can look different, we had a go at making our own.

Spring 1 Week 6 - 05.02.24

Our final week before half term! This week our book focus was on the Scarecrows Wedding as we were learning about special gatherings that happen is Church. We created our very own bride and groom. We had a party and a wedding celebration at Church wearing our party clothes!

This week we also learned about Shrove Tuesday and tried some pancakes with some different toppings on. We also learned about how to stay safe on the internet with Smartie. We made out own smartie to help us remember how to stay safe online.

Esk Avenue, Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 8AJ

01946 595010