St Gregory & St Patrick's

Spring 2 

Week 1 

This half term we are learning all about ‘Growing’. Our story was Jack and the Beanstalk. We made our own beanstalk, leaves and castle. We practised colour mixing, counting our magic beans onto a 5 frame and measured and compared items to the giants footprints. In maths we continued to focus on number 5 and the maths song of the week was Alice the Camel. During getting ready for reading we met Fred Frog and practised Fred talking and guessed what Fred was saying. In RE we talked about how during lent we care for others just as Jesus cares for people. We made purple lent sticks, collages and mixed colours to make purple.  

Spring 1

Week 5 

This week our story was ‘Each Peach Pear Plum’. In the story we recognised lots of characters from different traditional tales. We were able to finish off the rhyming strings from the story at the end of the sentences. We carried out lots of colour matching activities and tasted and described the fruits from the story. We even made our very own fruit tart

Week 4

Week 3

The gingerbread man appeared in nursery this week and we tried to help him. First we made a bridge so he could cross the river and then we helped him to hide so the other characters in the story couldn’t try and eat him.  We decorated  big gingerbread man outside and used loose parts inside to give him buttons and features. During number time we focussed on number 3 singing three little kittens and we helped the 3 little pigs go into their 3 houses. In getting ready for reading we added noises to  stories we were great at thinking of sounds to add to they study peace at last. In RE we learn that Jesus blessed the little children and sang a song to help us remember. Our gospel value this term is gentleness and the monkey group won the good choices treat this week. 

Week 2

Week 1

Welcome back everyone! We've had a fantastic week settling back into Nursery while some of the teachers have been out on home visits meeting our new children who are due to start next week we have been very busy. We have missed our friends so much and couldn't wait to share our Christmas news and learn about the kings travelling to see baby Jesus. We also made some new year wishes and started our 'Body Sounds ' part of getting ready for reading.  

Esk Avenue, Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 8AJ

01946 595010